

Appraisal of Machinery and Equipment Can Save Your Farm Thousands

  Your farm and agricultural livelihood often rely heavily on various forms of equipment. From giant combines to tractors, conveyors, hoists and other interior barn equipment, it is easy to see how an appraisal of machinery and equipment can save you money. Viewing the Farm It can be easy to get swept away in a…

Spring Property Appraisal: What Are Your Winter Renovations Worth?

  Hoooray….Spring has finally sprung! Have you been a busy bee over winter?  Tackling those seemingly endless renovations during the darker months is a popular way to conquer those cooler days…especially if you are planning on listing your property. Spring celebrates all things new and is one of the best times to put your home…

Condo Considerations From Your Residential Property Appraisal Team

  More millennials, retirees, single folk and young families are making residential condo purchases. In today’s challenging real estate market, purchasing a condo is the best financial option for many people. Property DNA Group wants to help you maximize your investment. As one of Western Canada’s leading property appraisers, we understand how pertinent it is…

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