
Commercial real estate building

How to Review a Commercial Appraisal in Canada

Are you moving your business to a new location? Then getting a commercial real estate appraisal done before you sell is definitely worth your time. Firstly though, it’s important to understand what a commercial real estate appraisal is, how to review a commercial appraisal, and how you can improve the value of your commercial real…
Commercial building in process of getting commercial property appraisal

A Beginner’s Guide to Commercial Property Appraisals

As a business property owner, considering certain factors that can affect said property’s value before you buy or sell is always important. Naturally, this includes condominiums, apartments, industrial, office, retail, land, hotels/motels, car washes, restaurants and special purpose facilities such as concrete plants, gravel pits, greenhouses, etc. However, commercial real estate buyers and sellers have…
Commercial real estate appraiser being performed by appraiser

Common Commercial Real Estate Appraisal Myths Busted

  When you buy something, you always know what you pay, but you don’t always know what the item is actually worth. This is especially helpful to know when it comes to your property, especially if it’s a piece of commercial property through an appraisal. But when do you need a commercial real estate appraisal?…
Appraiser completing commercial property appraisal in factory

5 Things You Should Know About Commercial Appraisals

There are often many reasons why it’s valuable for business owners to get a commercial appraisal, but there are some important things to know before going through the process. One of the big ones? How long it takes to get a commercial appraisal. We break down the answer to that and offer 4 other pieces…
Exterior of condo complex

Everything You Need to Know About Reserve Fund Studies

When it comes to business, any information that could provide more info about the state of a location can be immensely valuable. A reserve fund study (or depreciation report in BC) can do just that. These studies or reports provide condo or strata owners with insight into the property itself. However time can be important…
Reviewing commercial real estate plans

A Beginner’s Guide to Commercial Property Appraisal

Within every property appraisal, there’s a healthy dose of nuance and understanding. Three main approaches help produce a complete picture, but on their own, each has its limitations. Every approach can also take varying amounts of time to complete so answering “How long does it take to get a commercial appraisal?” isn’t always a simple number.   Typically, a commercial property appraisal…
Commercial office buildings ready for appraisal

Key Ways to Improve Your Commercial Property’s Value  

Although residential real estate can be a sizeable investment, commercial real estate can be even more so. If you’re wondering, “When do you need a commercial real estate appraisal?” the time to do so would be before you purchase a piece of property, or after making improvements to your investment. Finding ways to maximize the value of your property investment can…

Commercial Appraisal VS Residential Appraisal

When it comes to getting an appraisal for your property, there are actually more differences than you would think between residential and commercial.  The main differences include:  Length of the appraisal report  The appraisal cost  The time it takes to complete the appraisal  To start, it is helpful to understand the meaning behind ‘residential’ and ‘commercial’ properties.…

Property Appraisal VS Home Inspection

  Home inspections and real estate appraisals are commonly confused. They offer some similar attributes but at their core, they are valuable for different reasons. The main similarity between the two is that an inspection and an appraisal both are unbiased evaluations for a property.   Appraisals Appraisals ensure that the owner and buyer are…

Need a commercial appraisal?