

Commercial Appraisal VS Residential Appraisal

When it comes to getting an appraisal for your property, there are actually more differences than you would think between residential and commercial.  The main differences include:  Length of the appraisal report  The appraisal cost  The time it takes to complete the appraisal  To start, it is helpful to understand the meaning behind ‘residential’ and ‘commercial’ properties.…
Property Value - Residential Appraisals | Property DNA Group

Property Value Calgary: Moving Considerations

  There are many diverse and lovely neighbourhoods within Calgary. Ideal for young families, retirees and singles alike, there are many different housing options available with the current vacancy rate. Discover your property value Calgary with a comprehensive real estate appraisal from Property DNA Group. Whether you are downsizing due to oil & gas operations,…

Need a commercial appraisal?